Pioneer Home residents entusiastic about history

I gave a presentation at the Pioneer Home yesterday afternoon and had so much fun. I showed a bunch of my drawings and talked about historic resources in the Fairbanks area. Many of the residents at the home have lived the history that I draw and write about, so I thought it was only fair that I share some of my work with them, and give them a chance to talk about their experiences.
There was a small but enthusiastic audience, and I enjoyed some excellent give and take with the residents. For instance, I was talking about the old Pioneer Hotel that was destroyed by fire in 1952, and one of the ladies piped up that she had been an eye witness to the hotel burning down! I also had a nice conversation with Florence Collins (mother of Miki and Julie Collins) about living next to the F.E. Company on Illinois Street during the early years when the dredges were operating.
I’ve been invited back to the Pioneer Home after the holidays to share more with the residents, and am really looking forward to it.